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Inhalers For Schools

Ensure that every child with asthma in your school can get the basic care they need, with spare emergency inhalers. Schools are now allowed to purchase salbutamol inhalers without prescription for use in emergencies when a child with asthma cannot access their own inhaler. Schools are not required to hold any inhalers or spacers, however it is advised they should safely keep and administer spare emergency inhalers. Those that choose to keep an emergency inhaler should establish a policy or protocol for its use based on this guidance.

Please note that we cannot accept returns on pharmaceutical products. There may be a 4-7 day delivery time on these products, please contact us by phoning 0800 358 0085 or email us at for more information regarding your order.

Note: Innovative and sustainable temperature controlled packaging means there will never be a delay to you receiving your emergency pharmaceuticals next working day.

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NEW! Pharmaceutical Packaging

No more delays to despatching pharmaceutical items

As part of our licence to distribute pharmaceutical products, we must ensure that pharmaceuticals are not stored in temperatures below 8° or above 25° at any time, including when in transit. We store pharmaceuticals in a specialist temperature-controlled room, but are unable to guarantee temperatures once goods have been despatched. This can cause delays to despatching orders in the winter, when overnight temperatures are often sub-zero, or on hot days in the summer. This is far from ideal given the essential nature of products like back up Adrenaline Injectors and Inhalers for schools.

Temperature controlled packaging is often very expensive and would typically result in significant costs to be passed on. However, as part of our commitment to serve our customers as best as we can, we have found a new innovative solution which enables us to promptly despatch pharmaceutical orders in almost any external conditions AND does not cost our customers a penny more!

Our new packaging for pharmaceutical products is as sustainable as it is effective. It is made using a combination of 100% pure natural sheep wool fibres, and a compostable and biodegradable outer. The packaging ensures that pharmaceuticals are insulated when external temperatures are cold and chilled when the weather is warm, all the way from our warehouse until being delivered to your door.